GroomingThe Haircut $35+
{Starting length - Mid ears and down} The Trim $35+ {Starting length - Mid ears and down} The Kids Haircut $25+ Wicked Short Texture Cut $25+ {Starting length - top of your ears and up} Bang Trim $8 SET ITRoller Set & Style $30+
Body Wave/Perm $70+ Spiral Perm $95+ Shampoo & Blow Dry Only $35+ Shampoo, Blow Dry & Hot Tool Styling $45+ {determined by length and density} ColorFull Color {one dimension, all over} $65+
Full Multi Color {multi dimensional} $95+ Wicked Short Hair Color $35+ Previous Color Touch-Up $50 {must of had a full color appointment 4-6 weeks prior to qualify} |
LighterSpecialty Design: Balayage/ Painting/ Ombre/ Melts $150+
Full {foil} Highlight $95+ Partial {foil} Highlight $80+ All Over Lightener $60 per hour All Over Lightener Touch-Up $75 Glaze/Toner Refresh $40+ Color CorrectionA Color Correction is Priced By Consultation Only.
$60 - $150/ hr Note: ANY service grown out longer then the recommended 4-6 weeks is a color correction. TreatmentHair Treatments $10-$30
Alfaparf Bond Rebuilder $30 Olaplex $40 Make upContact America Ortega
This menu represents all services and prices performed by all providers including all Freelancing Stylist Owners.
Each individual Stylist Owner manages their own schedules, booking calendars and prices.
Please verify with your stylist before service begins.
Each individual Stylist Owner manages their own schedules, booking calendars and prices.
Please verify with your stylist before service begins.
**No Genderism Here**
It's not your gender that determines price, it's the experience level + required skill, techniques & the starting length.
All services include shampoo and blow dry
{The Angels Are Hair is Shampoo Only. No Blow Dry offered at this time}.